Monday 5 September 2016

My Unicorn Adventure

One day I was at home playing with my barbies when I looked out my   window and I saw a unicorn. Then I burst so fast. I ran and I was outside. I said, “Hi, what’s your name?” “It is Twilight.” she said. “My name is Eden.”

“Twilight said, “Do you want to go to Magical Fairyland?” I said “Yes please!” When I hopped onto Twilight’s back I held onto a magic piece of rope. When we got to Magical Fairyland there were flowers and castles and princesses. When we were in the castle there were some pink pony trophies and star trophies too. Then we went upstairs to play with Barbie dolls. They were ponies. My favourite was Pinky Pie. Pinky Pie is pink. She has a beauty spot on her left side.

We had dinner and pudding. For dinner we had rainbow sugar and mermaid sugar. Then we had to go and pick my family up. Then we went to go back to Magical Fairyland where we had ice cream then we went to the castle. In the castle we played games. We played Cheat and Come and Catch Me.

Then we sold our house and moved to the castle. We have our own bedrooms and I love it.

By Eden

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eden,

    I like your story. It sounds as though you have fun riding the pink ponies. It might pay to brush your teeth at night though with all that sugar for dinner. It would be great to move into a castle and have lots of space.
    Well done.
    Mrs Tanner
